Sunday, February 12, 2006

*Words* at UI's Kiva Theater, Feb. 15-19

A world premiere, written by James D. Clayton and directed by Sharon Trautwein

Can a lesbian also be a woman of faith, even when her religious community considers her sexuality an abomination?
Can devout people accept and even nurture someone whose actions are repugnant to them? Can a gay play avoid being anti-religious? Can those who chant "condemn the sin, not the sinner" consider redefining their idea of what's sinful and what isn't? Can gay people rid themselves of the Christian = homophobe equation?

Wednesday-Saturday, Feb. 15-18, at 7:30 pm; and Sunday, Feb. 19, at 2 pm
Tickets: $10; $8, seniors; $5, children, students, and WSU and UI staff and faculty
Call (208) 885-7212.

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