Thursday, June 01, 2006

Shakespeare in the parks

Discussions are underway, and it appears likely that Nike Imoru and Bill Marlowe will direct a six-member cast in an abbreviated (and free!) version of a Shakespeare play on the evening of Saturday, July 29, as part of Allegro Baroque's Royal Fireworks Festival and Concert — and then, in later weeks, to tour the show to a few local parks. A welcome return after a year's absence from the summer Festival. And let's think big ... if Boise has an outdoor summer Shakespeare festival ...


At June 11, 2006 1:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the play, and who are the six?

At June 16, 2006 12:24 PM , Blogger Bobo the Theater Ho said...

Tentatively called *Shakespeare in Love,* it will include love scenes — introduced by sword fights, to underscore the verbal-battle-of-wits theme — excerpted from such plays as *R&J,* "Shrew,* *Richard III* and others. Nike directs; Maynard Villers as fight captain. Actors include Damon Mentzer, Gretchen Oyster and Jamie Flanery. There's some question as to whether it will perform only on July 28 at Riverfront Park or whether it will also travel to area parks.


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