Thursday, March 22, 2007

some random *Plumb-Nutts* photos

For two photos of Jean Kavanaugh's *Relative Chaos: The Plumb-Nutts Family Reunion* (at CenterStage, March 22-April 14), navigate over to

or if that doesn't work, try seaching for Plumb-Nutts or theater Spokane

1017 W. First Ave., Spokane
(509) 74-STAGE
Tickets: $43; $39, Thursdays (only combination dinner-theater tickets are available for this show)

An audience-interactive spoof of family reunions. When you enter, you become either a Plumb or a Nutt. They've entered Oprah's Family Reunion Contest to play a Family Feud-style game and, hopefully, beat those darned Baskett-Cases (who are currently in the lead).

Ron Ford as patriarch Walt Nutts
Jamie Flanery as son Pete Nutts
Judi Pratt as daughter-in-law Hazel Nutts
Dennis Ashley as son-in-law Stanley Plumb
Evelyn Renshaw as daughter Dolly Plumb-Nutts
Erin Wissing as Stan and Dolly's daughter, Sugar Plumb
Jone Campbell Bryan directs and plays the reunion planner, Kathmagerdor Korn
Austin Mell as Pine Nutts
Ginny Isbelle as Maude
Jeff Sirek as Richard Awesome

set by Jason Laws
lighting by Jeffrey Bryan
costumes by Dee Finan
produced by Tim Behrens

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