by Sarah Ruhl
Feb. 28-March 15, 2008
directed by Karen Kalensky (Glorie in the recent *Grace & Glorie*)
With Silvia Lazo, Spokane's noted Brazilian jazz singer, in the role of Matilde, the housekeeper who tells long jokes in Portuguese and who's in search of the perfect joke. Lane is a doctor who's too busy to clean her own house. Problem is, she hires Matilde, a cleaning woman who doesn't really like to clean. When Matilde meets Lane's sister Virginia (who's depressed, and obsessed with cleanliness), guess who actually does the cleaning of Lane's house.
Meanwhile, Lane's husband Charles is leaving her for a woman named Ana. And literal, physical messiness morphs into emotional messiness. We all carry baggage; sometimes that baggage gets dumped all over our nice, tidy lives.
Ruhl's play was a finalist for the Pulitzer in 2005. Ruhl, 33, has written Passion Play and Eurydice since; her little girl Anna Beatrice is almost 2 now.
rest of the cast: Selena Schopfer, Anne Selcoe, Jackie Davis and Gary Pierce
Visit or call 455-PLAY.
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