Friday, September 19, 2008

Decision deferred

The Actors Rep board has postponed until Oct. 2 their meeting at which it may be decided whether to resuscitate ARt in some form next season or else terminate the nonprofit organization.


  1. In the meantime, I'm still out of pocket for three season subscriptions I bought as Christmas gifts. Not only that, but if ART doesn't provide refunds to their loyal subscribers, I'm going to have to buy Christmas gifts to replace the ones I can't deliver now, so I'm out twice. Those board members, such as Jim Barthelmess and Beth Gillespie, who are active in the community should understand that this will not be forgotten.

    Bobo, thank ever so for whatever updates you can continue to provide. I can't find information anywhere else.

  2. Call the Spokane Civic Theatre they have generously offered ,at the expense of the theatre, to offer tickets to a number of their shows to replace those performances you will not be able to see at Art.This is at no expense to you.Give them a call.

  3. Yes yes Civic, always the martyr. (every post has "at the expense of the theatre") It is really not costing anything. They have the empty seats to fill.
