Shanley play at Empyrean, April 23-26

The Way Off-Broadway Theatre Group continues bringing contemporary plays to Spokane's best coffeehouse on Thursday-Friday, April 23-24, at 7:30 pm; on Saturday, April 25, at 6:30 pm; and on Sunday, April 26, at 4 pm, with performances at Empyrean, 154 S. Madison St.
The show this time is John Patrick Shanley's “The Dreamer Examines His Pillow” (1985), written just a couple of years before Shanley won the Oscar for best original screenplay for *Moonstruck* but a couple of decades before his recent stage and film success with *Doubt.*
Tickets: $7; $5, students. Call 313-6551 or write
Tommy lives in a shabby apartment and imagines himself to be an artist. Donna wants to be his girlfriend, but isn't pleased that Tommy has been fooling around with Donna's 16-year-old sister. So she recruits her dad (played by Gonzaga theater professor Brian Russo) to clarify the situation. With all the philosophizing, misogyny and resentments, "Dreamer" shapes up as "an anti-romantic comedy." Performances will be just 75 minutes long.
[ photo: John Patrick Shanley at ]
Labels: Brian Russo, Dreamer Examines His Pillow, John Patrick Shanley, Way Off-Broadway Theatre Group
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