Create good productions and tell people about them

Michael Kaiser at HuffPo has a point: Arts orgs don't have an expenditure problem so much as they have a revenue problem.
Theaters aren't overspending; they're just failing to attract as much of an audience as they deserve.
Kaiser suggests the following: Don't cut back on programs. Don't make them "more accessible." Market them aggressively.
(photo: Michael Kaiser is president of the JFK Center for the Performing Arts in Wash., D.C.)
Labels: Huffington Post, Michael Kaiser
OK, I'll admit it -- this is self-serving. The Inlander is probably the best place for local theaters to advertise themselves. But I was just browsing an arts news aggregator, not trying to drum up more biz for our sales people ...
And just who would those untapped audience members in Spokane be, Bobo? The ones that go to the theatre already are the ones who read The Inlander. If anything, local companies should reduce their ads at your paper. So where else should theatres advertise?
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