Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Fantasticks

at Spokane Interplayers Ensemble
directed by Roger Welch
Dec. 1-17, 2005

Theresa Kelly as Luisa, Christopher Bange as The Mute, Lou Olsen as Matt


  1. Will someone please tell me why in some productions The Fantasticks is spelled with a "ck" and in some it's spelled with only a "k"?

  2. Because Fantastiks is the way it's spelled in the script, but some people put the "c" in out of habit.

  3. Sorry. I am looking at the front of the music score at this moment and it is spelled FANTASTICKS.

  4. Wow, I could have sworn it was spelled without th c, but I'm looking at the Playbill and there it is. I stand corrected.
