Pend Oreille Players present Gilbert and Sullivan's *The Sorcerer,* May 15-30 in Newport, Wash.

The Pend Oreille Players will present *The Sorcerer,* a comic operetta from 1877, at the Pend Oreille Playhouse Community Theatre and Events Center, 240 N. Union St., Newport, Wash.
Directed by Gail Cory-Betz and Millie Brumbaugh
Choreography by Susan Hollingshead
Fridays-Saturdays, May 15-16, 22-23 and 29-30, with dinner at 6 pm and show at 7 pm
$20; show only, $10
Sunday matinees on May 17 and 24 at 3 pm
Visit or call (509) 671-3389
The villagers of Ploverleigh have gathered to celebrate the betrothal of Alexis Poindexter (Jeff Hooyman), the son of Sir Marmaduke (Keli Wood), to Aline (Erin Vanderholm), the only daughter of Lady Sangazure (Tammy Pogue.) Giddy in love, Alexis decides that it would be nice if they (and indeed all the other unmarried villagers) could experience the feelings of true love that they themselves have. Alexis calls in the services of a Sorcerer, John Wellington Wells (David “DK” Kay), who produces a philtre (love potion) which, when drunk, ensures that everyone will experience the secret of pure love and happiness. Complications ensue.
Labels: Pend Oreille Players, Sir Arthur Sullivan, The Sorcerer, William Gilbert
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